Shower Repair and Shower Tile Regrouting Specialists For More Than 10 Years
Shower Solutions Perth began repairing showers and tile regrouting throughout Perth in February 2007, we are a business specialising in regrouting shower recesses and sealing leaky showers. Our shower repair and tile regrouting client base includes Homeowners, Tenants, Property Managers, Real Estate Agents, Property Developers, Local Councils and Plumbers.
Shower Solutions Perth will be celebrating its 15th year of successful tile regrouting in 2022 financial year. We believe our leaky shower repairs service success comes directly from our team’s dedication to making sure our work is completed to not just our own high standards, but more importantly our clients’. We constantly invest our own time researching and looking for advancement within the Perth Shower Repairs Industry in regards to techniques, equipment and product improvements. Our aim for every single shower we repair, is that we never have to return to the same property because your new seal lasts you a lifetime.